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AniMesh Vampire Ballerina (box)

AniMesh Vampire Ballerina (box)

-AniMesh Vampire Ballerina-

Whats in the box?

-AniMesh Vampire Ballerina-

.1 AniMesh Vampire Ballerina - 6 prim(land impact 24)
Copy/Mod/No Trans

.1 AniMesh Vampire Ballerina(quiet) - 6 prim(land impact 24)
Copy/Mod/No Trans
-No Music

-AniMesh Vampire Ballerina:
▶▶ You will need an Animesh enabled viewer to use this product!
▶ Lady Nosferatu performs a ballet for us on a piano tune.
▶ Materials enabled (normal & specular).
▶ 100% Mesh.

Instructions for use:
➤ Rezz your 'AniMesh Vampire Ballerina'.
➤ In edit mode,adjust the height so that these feet touch the ground.
➤ Type '/78 on' in local chat.
To start animations and music.
➤ Type '/78 off' in local chat.
To stop animations and music.

-Look my others item
-Mesh, animesh,cars,gadgets,animals... is more.

* English translation by Google

Second Life の商品を表示
  • AniMesh Vampire Ballerina
  • 6 prim(land impact 24)
  • Copy/Mod/No Trans
  • 100% Mesh.
  • 259 ls