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Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 1 (Box)

Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 1 (Box)
Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 1 (Box)
1 レビュー

The latest collection of assorted book piles from Apple Fall are an eclectic mix of styles and colours to bring life to any bookshelf. The books vary in subject from novels to traveling; art to lifestyle.

The collection features 4 assortments of different arrangements for a variety of options.

This is a decorative item only.

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評価平均: full star full star full star full star empty star
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One of the best textured books out there
full star full star full star full star empty star 掲載済み 2022/03/06 : indigokikisunshine

I'm a huge fan of Apple Fall, except my only gripe which I had to take a star away is the fact the creator spams "Apple Fall" or "AF" on all the books. I only noticed it recently, and it made me feel uncomfortable. An occasional "Apple Fall Press" or "AF" is fine, but does it have to literally be on every book arrangement? I purchased all of them. The quality of the work speaks for itself, it isn't necessary to spam the brand name over and over again, or if anything the logo could be a bit tinier. Same goes for other products, it's almost nauseating.


L$ 150



Apple Fall
Apple Fall
販売元: Apple Crush


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