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Ariel Bed Room Mommy and Toddleedoo Kids / Baby

Ariel Bed Room Mommy and Toddleedoo Kids / Baby
Ariel Bed Room Mommy and Toddleedoo Kids / Baby
0 レビュー

This bedroom of the Little Mermaid Ariel, tends to unite in the same room to the mom, the baby and the little sister. I have put a lot of affection and dedication in the elaboration of each piece, so that all these friends who in SL dream of being one of the princesses can enjoy them.

Bed for mom and older sister, with menu of various animations including: sleeping, reading, sitting, computer, mobile among others

Bed for the little sister with animations menu for her and mom.

Night table with lamp on and off.

Cradle of rocking with menu of animations for the baby. And musical mobile with sound touch.

Rocking chair with menu animations such as bottle feeding, breastfeeding, and hugs.

Rocking seahorse with animation for the girl and her little friend or little sister,

Shelf shelf with dolls to play.

Bookcase with stories of readings, touch to get one.

Baul bank with animations for the baby.

Sofa with menu of animations to share the mommy with the baby.

Table of activities with menu of games, pintadedos, write eat and drink.

Decorative carpet with the motif of the room and menu with game of animations.

Decorative stickers.

When acquiring this beautiful bedroom you have opportunity also to use only the pieces that you want and you can use.

L$ 1,950



Camila's Designs
Camila's Designs
販売元: Camila Lomes


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