Avali Bounty Hunter Armor (boxed) バージョン 1.0

Grab this for 340L from the in-world store!
Custom Bounty Hunter Armor set suited mainly for Avali avatars.
- 1 pair of armguards
- 1 pair of shoulderpads
- 1 pair of upper leg plates
- 1 pair of lower leg plates
- chestpiece
- pants
- helmet
WARNING: This was made for 1.0 avali avatars, it might not quite fit the 2.0 ones, so you will have to modify it to fit correctly!
By buying this product, you will receive free updates.
The helmet is scripted to open and close on touch while playing sounds.
If you have any problems with my products, feel free to send me a message or a notecard.
Hope you enjoy this product as much as I did building it!
Also, make sure to join my group (Anivius Kreations) for support and easier communication.
Second Life の商品を表示- Custom Avali armor set.
- On/off switch for helmet on touch.
- Avali emblems.
- Helmet sounds.
L$ 350
この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。
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