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B737 Hawaiian Apley Version

B737 Hawaiian Apley Version

Hawaiian B737 complete flyable jet plane.
Powered by RCX scripts.

It is fully modifiable so you can adjust the shapes, textures, furniture etc.
Includes Airfrance textures and UV maps.

Notes included on how to fly.
Basically Right click, select fly, type start in chat,
PgUp, PgDn, use arrows.

評価平均: full star full star half star empty star empty star
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Looks arent everything
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2024/11/17 : mstrulyscrumptious

Plane looks really nice, but......This flight script is totally useless, if you are going to fly passengers and want a smooth flight, this aint it lol Its big, clumsy and slow and It has horrible maneuverability. Looks cool with the Hawaiian colors though. If you want to sit it on your land and look at it, go for it! But for smooth flying, you better just invest in a real plane. This is just a resell of the old freebie 737's that were out 10 years ago. I have a freebie copy in my inventory if anyone wants it LOL
Yours Truly

I love it.....
full star full star full star full star empty star 掲載済み 2021/05/31 : TasminArcher

It made for a great placement in my photo
