This Store

BBD - Maple Moon

BBD - Maple Moon
BBD - Maple Moon
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Long time coming here is some great Animated Backdrops for scenery decoration or to help give you that little something extra!

These have been taken from popular Video games, cartoons, and movies. I am not allowed to say which ones however I am sure you will be able to figure out which ones.

These are 1 Prim each objects with scripted animated images placed on them. They are Low lag and unique to Second Life. No one else is selling these!
I take pride in everything I have created. With the change in technology and avatars, if you are in need for an applier I would be happy to make you one for this product if it is needed. Some fees may apply depending on work involved.

Our store front has been completely redesigned! We have Lucky chairs, Midnight madness boards and Gacha!! I am offering up to 75% off in my discount store for a large number of items. Please come down and take a look!

Looking forward to seeing you around!

Second Life の商品を表示

L$ 10



BBD - Bold Blackheart Designs
BBD - Bold Blackheart Designs
販売元: Gamerdave Blackheart


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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土地の負荷: 1