BGC - Easter Egg Confetti (Fatpack)
Easter Egg Confetti in 8 single colors and 4 color mixes!
You can type exactly, "Happy Easter!" to trigger your confetti or you can activate the gesture provided and trigger the confetti by typing exactly, "/easter". You can also change the trigger word in the gesture to anything you'd like. Be sure you are saying the trigger words exactly.
I've also included "YAY!" versions.
If your confetti isn't working, you need to make sure your particles are turned on in preferences. To do so please go to avatar menu > preferences > graphics and move the "Max.particle count" to the middle. This will maximize your confetti experience!
Confetti will not work on sims that don't allow scripts. If you are still having trouble please contact me in world and I will be happy to teach you how to use it.
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