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BWC Cullinan set** (Add to unpack)

BWC Cullinan set**  (Add to unpack)

At 3 106.75 carats, the Cullinan diamond is
the largest rough diamond ever discovered.
The diamond was cut into several stones,
The two biggest jewels, Cullinan I and II,
they are part of the jewels of
Great Britain crown

Cullinan I, or the Great Star of Africa,
is a brilliant pendeloque cut weighing 530.
2 carats (106.04 g) and has 74 facets.In 1908,
the stone was valued at $ 2.5 million
(equivalent to $ 51 million in 2018)

The Cullinan is a wonderful and precious
diamond, but you!
YOU are worth more!

დ Bodysuit: Sizes for MAITREYA, LEGACY, BELLEZA and SLINK

დ high hells. Sizes for MAITREYA, BELLEZA and SLINK

დ Colourchange Hud (colors for this list as shown in the photo above)

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დ Check the promo and Demo for this product at the store in world. Especial promos for BWC group and BWC Vip group

დ If you have any problems with your purchase,
please send a notecard to Barbara Qariel.

BWC Team.


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