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BYO - Day/Night Sound Randomizer - Single

BYO - Day/Night Sound Randomizer - Single
BYO - Day/Night Sound Randomizer - Single
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Day/Night Sound Randomizer - Single

Please read description completely before purchasing.

This product is a 'Build Your Own' scripted sound emitter. It does not come with pre-packaged sound files. It is intended for builders that wish to mix and match their own sounds. Drop your own sound files into the Randomizer contents.

There are THREE different Randomizer types and labeled in each product name.

Super – The most feature rich and customizable random emitter system! Roaming Sounds, advanced Day/Night playback, 3D Sound Cut-Offs, and more!

Day/Night – One set of sounds plays during the day and a second set plays only at night.

Basic – A standard random sound system that plays all sounds during both the day and night.

Randomizers are made available as single items, five packs, and a copyable SoundScaper's Edition.

Randomizers that come with built-in sounds are also available at:

About Us

SoundScenes provides the largest selection of quality scripted sound solutions to bring your virtual worlds to life. Many different playback styles and themes to choose from!

* Scripted Sounds - Looping, Random, Roaming, and Sim Wide SpeakerNets
* Full Permission Sounds - Single and Bulk Packages
* Nature - Birds, Animals, Frogs, Forests, and Jungles
* Aquatic - Harbors, Waves, Waterfalls, and Dripping Caverns
* Elements - Rain, Thunder, Wind, and Fire
* Crowds - Clubs, Bars, Parties, and Malls
* Locations - Airports, Train Stations, and Events
* Industrial - Machinery, Electronics, and Traffic
* Themed Atmospheres - Sci-Fi, Dark Gothic, Steampunk, Asia, Western, Wind Chimes, Religious, and Holidays

Listen to extended sound previews online:

Second Life の商品を表示

L$ 99



販売元: Hastur Pierterson


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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