Baby Chameleon (animated)
Animated chameleon ( Furcifer oustaleti ).
Looks around and moves head on rez, fly-catching-action on click!!
Animated with Puppeteer Engine.
15 prims.
Prims are mod, scripts are no mod, that means you can resize it!
If you like my stuff or would like to see a demonstration come see my store in-world!!
"Check this out, remember when we were at that repticon and that guy was selling dem chameleons and you was like "how much?" and he was like "300!" and you was like "yeah, right..". What if we got a boy and a girl and got dem suckers to mate? Then we can sell dem baby chameleons, buuut we sell em for 299. Then people will be like "Why am I gonna give that old guy 300 when i can get dem same chameleons for a dollar cheaper from those other guys?"
L$ 299
この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。
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