Basic Dungeon Skybox
Skybox is 30 by 30 meters
total prims = 26
Stone Dungeon Skybox with stone walls all around. With cage windows that go from floor to ceiling
***NOTE: if you wish to view this and other houses in 3D please click on the SLUrl link above.
***NOTE: i am half blind; as such i have done the best i can with textures. please dont im me telling me that the textures are off. i know they may not be perfect. they are modifiable so you can adjust them if you see fit.
***NOTE: i have made the houses copy no trans so that i can put them in an easy build rezzer for your convience. please do not ask me for a refund since they are no trans i will not issue ANY refunds on no trans items for any reason. ty.
***NOTE: the script im useing for the windows and doors and lights control; you cant modify what show's up on the menu. so there may be some features that are not included with some houses.
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