It's Batty Koda from Ferngully! It comes with an AO that makes his wings flap and fold. Full perm so you can resell modify and copy. So spread Batty around. Go forth and spread Batty all over SL! Do it before his logic starts getting erratic and potatoes in your jacket. And while you're busy helping Batty take over the world of the internet you can help save the rainforests.
so cute
love it
i liked it :)
for all the haters out there make one and virtually give it away heheeh
for 1l$ hell yeah its great and yes rezz the ao and reset scripts cures that issue.
a avi for nothing sl old style :)
I understand that this avatar is made of prims, but in my opinion, even for a strictly prim-based avatar this is pretty bad. The proportions are terrible, and the avatar is just generally atrocious in appearance. On top of that some parts are no copy, which is quite annoying in of itself. The only thing that is somewhat alright is the ao, but it's limited and I can't think of anything that would work well with it. So, basically there is nothing salvageable from this avatar, at least as far as I'm concerned.
It cost only 1L, but I have bought much better for this price before. Considering it's age and the fact that a good portion of the avatar's parts are no copy this avatar should be FREE.
False pic
The avi doesn't look like the's all prims and pieces. i tossed mine.
For what it is(prim build), its awsome!
For what it is, its awsome! Prim build but looks great, AO works, animations are pretty good.
bout it