*Beach Ball SINGLE F/M
* Beach Ball SINGLE F/M
* 9 textures
* 21 Single pose F/M
This package includes:
Beach Ball SINGLE F/M one sit (only one avatar can sit) 1 Li
Beach Ball SINGLE F/M one sit (drop) releases the ball in a 30 or 40 second interval 1 Li
Beach Ball SINGLE F/M (can seat up to 2 avatars) 2 Li
Beach Ball SINGLE F/M (drop) 2 Li
* Loose Beach Ball (temporary) to use as (drop) 1Li
follows notecard instructions.
each 1 beach ball that falls is configured to be temporary and physical, rolls over the ground and self-deletes, so it doesn't occupy (Li) on the ground
each 1 beach ball (dropped) on the ground causes (1 Li)
you can have fun kicking or moving the beach ball until it goes auto-delete
you can increase this limit of balls
it is not possible to touch to drop the ball, just play on the floor and start to release the ball
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