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Bel's Population Counter HUD バージョン 1.3

Bel's Population Counter HUD

For those who just have to know! This simple HUD tells you how many people are logged on to SL. That is, how many *accounts* are logged on. Nobody knows how many of them are alts or bots - we can only speculate about that. The number is updated every minute or so.

The HUD attaches to the top right corner by default but you can change that through the "Attach HUD to" opt in in the item menu.

The script is copy but no modify or transfer.

The HUD is also modifiable so you can adjust the position and size if necessary. If you have problems figuring out how to do that, please post a message at the OPQ blog:
and we'll reply as quickly as we can.

If you like this little HUD, don't forget to add a review on the Marketplace. :-)

If you don't like it, tell us what is wrong. The best way is to post a comment on the blog but you can also send an IM to ChinRey Resident. (Don't send a message to me, I don't log on very often so I may never see it.)

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