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Big Bang Attack

Big Bang Attack

Big Bang Attack (ビッグバンアタック, Biggu ban atakku) is Vegeta's signature attack.

In order to perform it, Vegeta extends his arm and opens his palm and turns his hand up at a 90 degree angle (as if to signal "Stop") and starts to power up. He then fires a sphere of Ki, a large energy ball or comet-like energy projectile.

This attack is either yellow or white in color and creates an enormous explosion upon contact. This move is reminiscent of the supposed Japanese obsession with nuclear explosions as Big Bang Attack leaves a mushroom cloud like an atomic bomb in its wake. The Big Bang Attack can also become more powerful when Vegeta expels more ki into it. Vegeta first used Big Bang Attack against Android 19 during the same battle that he first fought as a Super Saiyan. The attack's name and state is also reminiscent of the Big Bang Theory of Existence.

Gogeta uses a variant of this attack called the Big Bang Kamehameha, combining elements of both Big Bang Attack and Kamehameha.

Semi-Perfect Cell also has shown to use the technique when he destroyed whole islands with it, in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 the attack is called Big Bang Crash.

Baby, while possessing Vegeta, used an altered variation of the move, wherein the attack is reshaped into a beam, and launched with the Final Flash stance. The attack power remains the same, but now has the properties of a beam attack, rather than an explosive.


Big Bang Attack has a few different colors. Yellow is the standard and usual color. In some games, Big Bang Attack, even while in the Super Saiyan state is whiteish-blue. In Dragon Ball Z: Super Sonic Warriors 2, Vegeta can charge this attack to be moderately faster and more powerful, at which time it has a pink color.


Dragonball , dragon ball , Goku , Sayan , Majin bu - buu , dragonballZ , Vegeta , Guldo , Junior , Piccolo , Ki Blast , Kamehameha , Gotenks , Freezer, Gogeta

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It lags A LOT!
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2014/03/19 : DanPierce44

and theres no animation at all just a big ball of energy that pushes you away! my avatar just stands theres while this energy ball shoots itself...waste of money...i want a refund!
