Bird BLUE with House (enhanced)
This is the lovely Blue Bird comes with the house version. Besides its good detailed looking appearance, this version includes the following awesome features:
* The bird mum will always rest at the front of the house and protects her 2 very own baby eggs.
* These 2 baby eggs have natching movement always in a random manner.
* There is also a bird dad who flys around the house as guardian. He first arrives the house, rests for awhile; then flys around and back to the house. This whole motion happens and keeps in a circle.
* Both the bird mum and dad says tweet~ tweet~ when touched.
* No setup required, just rez the house and it does all the rest.
Note: in the bird dad flying motion is entirely randomnise. Therefore dad is set to be re-rezzed automatically to avoid prim accumulate issue. If you think the dad is lost due to the randomness, he will be back in no time. So don't worry.~
Extremely fun and easy to use at an unbelievable bargain price. This flying Blue Bird with house is simple the must-have for your area.
Idea and prim-making by:
Sandy Clymer
Very pretty, like this a lot.