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Bloody Cloth Texture Set

Bloody Cloth Texture Set
Bloody Cloth Texture Set
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Set of 4 full perm seamless linen cloth pieces splattered with blood. Great for body bags or blood stained furniture.

Deja Vu Designs Texture Usage License and Information

Thank you for your interest in purchasing a texture (or pack) from Deja Vu Designs. We feature gothic themed textures for gothic builds including fabrics, stones, walls and more. Each texture pack is designed with gothic builders in mind.

All textures come with FULL permissions.

With your purchase, you are granted a license to use these textures in your own builds for yourself or for items you sell in Second Life. You may not download, screen capture or use these texture in any way other than builds in Second Life.

You may not sell or transfer any of these textures as "textures" to friends or your customers. You may not include them in any texture pack or sell them individually. Anyone found infringing on these terms will force us to have the content removed by Linden Lab as allowed by the DMCA.

If you have requests or ideas for gothic themed textures, we would enjoy hearing your suggestions. We are always looking for more ideas to fill our customers needs.

L$ 80



Elegant Gothic Furniture, Gothic Beds, Cemetery Decor and Prefabs
Elegant Gothic Furniture, Gothic Beds, Cemetery Decor and Prefabs
販売元: Deja Letov


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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  • ユーザーライセンス許可済み