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(CC) Area Stuff: Balloon Dart Game 6-Pack Big BX

(CC) Area Stuff: Balloon Dart Game 6-Pack Big BX
(CC) Area Stuff: Balloon Dart Game 6-Pack Big BX
2 レビュー


-This special pack has 6 complete balloon dart games with 3 free prizes each, that's a total of 18 unique prizes!

These games are mostly mesh and only use 22 land impact each! Simply rez the game and rotate/position it as desired, it works best at 90 degree angles. Make sure your land allows visitors to temp rez objects or the darts wont work for your players.

Visitors sit on this game and recieve a game dart, they must wear the dart and go to mouselook, then left-click mouse to throw darts. They have 2 minutes to hit as many targets as they can. They can win up to 3 different prizes that match the games theme and are preloaded into the game. -Free to play , Fun Activity!

The games included in this pack are:
Star Smashers, Bunny Busters, Heart Breakers, Holiday Poppers, Pumpkin Smashers and Eyeball Poppers. (there is only one of CC's dart games that is not included in this pack, that is the Balloon Buster,see link below)

Playland Park & Fish Factory:
Tons of free prizes through 7Seas Fishing and 24/7 Trivia, 25 carnival rides and many games!

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Great free activity for visitors!
  • players can try for up to 3 prizes!
  • sit, wear and go to mouselook
  • throw darts at targets
  • Great area game to help traffic!
評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
  • 5 スター:
  • 4 スター:
  • 3 スター:
  • 2 スター:
  • 1 スター:
Fun themes
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2022/02/15 : Inara Sugarplum

It is nice that it's not just a balloon dart game but themed for the season!

full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2019/11/15 : GEETARAA

u can also try this great awsome game here too along with her GREAT GEYSER ride at the extension area next door the dart game wil be in the main game area for further questions on getting to wonder island just drop an IM GEETARAA and also to see thee other most amasing games in SL and dont forgot to check out my best friends place out also which is fantastic


L$ 660



Playland Park & Fish Factory
Playland Park & Fish Factory
販売元: Celeste Cazenove


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メッシュ: 100% メッシュ
土地の負荷: 132