Hanging moon phase bead curtain.
Each pack comes with its own texture HUD, with a variety of similar textures.
4 Li at unpacked size.
Second Life の商品を表示- Texture HUD
Very nice.
These look lovely in the doorway, though they don't *quite* fill it and to enlarge them would cause them to sink into the floor, but overlapping two of them made for a nice effect looking at it from different angles.
I did have to turn down the shine, though, the reflections on this were blinding even with only the gallery lighting (low intensity high falloff warm halogen projector lighting) over the nearby painting turned on.
Honestly, the only thing I could ask for here is *wider* versions for larger openings.
I'm sure that if I ever leave the house I'm in now and go back to a tent or a vardo these will still be present despite using eight times the LI of the screen I was using before.
The price is lower here than in world, so I came to the MP to grab the full pack, which is the same price as the "duality" and "wood" versions I was about to click "buy" on at the store with four bonus versions I'll likely never use...
Though the "glow" one was fun to play with for a bit :)