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(CC) Fishiversary5 Non-Rod: BamBam Boomerang

(CC) Fishiversary5 Non-Rod: BamBam Boomerang
(CC) Fishiversary5 Non-Rod: BamBam Boomerang
1 レビュー

Fly Away Kite !
Simply Wear this and hold a bunch of brilliant balloons, get taken up a little off your feet and then set back down on the ground!
Resize Menu on Touch! Great Fun!

(CC) Toyz are all worn accessories that use a random timer script to play an entire sequence of animations! They will make it appear that you are doing a fun activity! (Instead of just standing around doing nothing like most avatars in Second Life) Some also include sounds, particle effects and alpha frame animation! Just wear and watch!

*Non-Rod version included with this toy for 7Seas fishers. In this version, the animation sequences are triggered by cast messages that come from a 7Seas Invisible Pro Rod. If your not a fisher, simply throw away this version of the toy!

Playland Park & Fish Factory:
Tons of free prizes through 7Seas Fishing and 24/7 Trivia, 25 carnival rides and many games!

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Fun, Scripted and Sculpted
  • Animated Sequence Triggered by Random Timer
  • Just Wear to do this Fun Activity!
  • Float you up in the air and back down!
  • Includes Non-Rod Version for 7Seas Fishers
評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 スター:
Soo Much Fun!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2014/09/19 : MaryAnne Magic

I collect all of CC's stuff cuz they are fun toys, fully scripted and great to play with! High quality decorations and effects and sounds all built in!


L$ 125



Playland Park & Fish Factory
Playland Park & Fish Factory
販売元: Celeste Cazenove


この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。


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