Camping Neon Sign
Neon Signs, as Realistic as they come!! You've seen other neon signs that simply flash the brightness higher and lower, or need black backgrounds to be able to work properly.. My signs aren't either of those. These realistic looking neon signs use a completly different complicated flash script that actually makes it look like the sign bulbs are flashing on and even in multi-stage sequences, all sorts of different shapes, sizes and colors, with only using 1 prim. Hours of work goes into these signs to get them looking like a neon sign should.
Wanna see them in action? Check them out here
1 Prim Neon, Camping Sign. Flashes on and off every 1 second.
Size Modifyable!
Transparent, so you can see right through the gaps, but not the bulbs!
Don't Forget to visit our store in SL! With many more Realistic Neon Signs, many shapes, sizes and colors, multi-stage illumination, and more!! Plus lots of other really crazy looking stuff I made when I was bored :p
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