G 全般

Cathedral of the Universe バージョン 1.0

Cathedral of the Universe


perms = COPY MOD noTRANS
foot print = 112 x 110 meters (60 tall)
prims = 2185

"Cathedral of the Universe", another precious Gothic building of RKTF with a mixture of futuristic. Textured to the state of art and in perfect geometry, consists of a spacious main entrance to T-shaped, 3 entrances (the principal and on each side), columns, arches, corridors, stairs and 2 large balconies overhead.
Four large rooms (2 in the ground floor and 2 on the second floor) and a niche where there is an altar with a statue of an angel, a confessional and a church organ (with animated pose for playing the organ).

The balconies on either side leads to the third floor, another room that leads to the back balcony and the "party hall" which has 2 floors. You can access the balconies of the towers with the bells from this saloon.

Candelabras, lamps, beautiful windows, and rose windows with lights effects….see for yourself the beauty of this building!

DOORS (Central Control):
All doors come with AeonVox system control (with documentation) for have the most customizable access.
Central Control & doors quick use:
- Left-click and hold over the door, after a few short moments your setup menu will appear.
- To manage all the doors with 1 click use the "Central Control" your setup menu will appear.

NOTE: For all these lights that not have a switch, stand near the source of light that want control and say the command in local chat, without quotes! (can also "shout", so not need be near each group of lights):
- Lamps in the interiors say the command "light on / light off"
- The externals lamps and candelabras have a switch to turn on / off.
- The central control have a switch also for the external "floor-doors" lamps, you can change the color, turn on/off, set the access...

1- Place the rezzbox at the ground in a large space (need at least 1/2 Sim).
2- Rezz the build by click the box and then "REZ", wait the message in local chat "All parts rezzed"
4- Drag (move) or rotate the rezz box until you find the desired position
5- When finish to place the build, and all is ok, click again the rezzbox and then click "DONE" (for remove the scripts of the rezzer), then can delete your rezzbox.
If need help for rezz and place the build feel free to contact me.

If you have some question i glad to help you, drop me a notecard:
rokoloco72 Zapatero

Thanks for your purchase!

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