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Trident Celtic Circle Earrings [Gold/Emerald] [Box]

Trident Celtic Circle Earrings [Gold/Emerald] [Box]
Trident Celtic Circle Earrings [Gold/Emerald] [Box]
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Celtic knots are the most recurrent motif in Celtic history; the first recorded examples go back to about 450 AD.

Also referred to as to as the mystic knot, or the endless knot, the Celtic knot has no beginning or and end, and therefore it stands for the timeless nature of life, the infinite cycles of birth and rebirth in physical and ethereal realms.

When circles are present in a knot this is considered to represent eternity or the eternal cycle of life and death.

Considered a charm against evil, the Celtic knot was often used as a symbol found in ancient jewelry, granting longevity, luck, and warding against all that would interfere with the flow of a serene life.

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Trident jewels and clothing are inspired by passion for medieval, ancient, ethnic and tribal jewelry and costumes.Each design combines creativity with careful research of museum replicas, archaeological findings and study of their historical symbolism.

Rossana Llewellyn
March 2013

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L$ 250



T R I D E N T Jewelry
T R I D E N T Jewelry
販売元: Rossana Llewellyn


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