[summersale 2013 - price reduced by 50%]
Celzius DNAture add-on is an in-world sculpt creation tool
You can choose between 30 geometric shapes, and build something with them.
Your build & creation can then be converted to sculpt-image.
Up to 16 geometric shapes can be used to create a 1 prim sculpt image.
The Celzius DNAture add-on can be used independent. But you can use it also together with Celzius, so you then have more shapes to select from.
quick video demo how Celzius works;
(the DNAture addon works the same like Celzius, but just other shapes to choose from)
Second Life client
You need land in SL where you can create and build, and can use scripts.
The tool itself is 1-prim, and 1 prim for each for every building block rezzed (max 16+)
Only the owner of the tool, can use it
A recent browser
To convert the data generated in celzius to a sculpt-image.
Like Firefox/Chrome/Safari/Opera with java-script enabled.
(Currently Internet-Explorer can not save images though)
(information and more tutorials about Celzius)
There are several tools and software available to create sculpties. All tools have there pro`s and cons, where they perform better or less compared to the others.
For this tool I had in mind, simple/easy to use. And created sculpted geometric shapes for it, that were optimised for 1st and 2nd degree LOD.
>> Can you torture, those preset shapes (i.e. cut, hollow, twist, taper)?
No, the geometric shapes you can choose from are sculpties themself, so you only can scale / rotate / position them.
There are some other tools around that focus on cut/hollow etc and based on sl-prims.
I focus with this tool more on soft and smooth/good looking sculpties, that perform good in 1st and 2nd degree lod (level of detail; when zoom in and out)
>> We got mesh now! Sculpties are so.. outdated!
Well I love mesh; and was working on a mesh version of Celzius; but decided 'running back' to create this sculpty add-on first; since my 2-prim sculpted trees were like 10+ primcost in mesh; and getting even more when I scaled them bigger. For certain low-poly (landscaping) builds; sculpties still can rule in SL compared to the mesh version if you check there prim-cost.
Cel Edman's Pixel Lab(slurl)
- Claremorris (4,25,23)
- Houlihan (64,226,251)
Opensim type grids;
Currently I created an inworldz, spoton3D and the gergrid versions of Celzius and Celzius-DNAture; I can send you a version on those grids, (if you bought them in sl)
If you got a question, just let me know, (when i`m not online; leave me a notecard)
Second Life の商品を表示 ビデオを表示 »- Celzius DNAture add-on is an in-world sculpt creation tool
Love this
Wish there were a few thicker branches to make thicker trees, other than that, this is a very useful tool for making sculpted plants and trees. i have definitely made my money back from it. Thanks Cel =)
a wonderful product
I was skeptical about this because--not to be rude, Mr. Edman---but the textures are not up to my standard; however, I was able to make my own and the results are just as I had hoped and more. If you have any skill with making your own textures, this tool has limitless possibilities.
Usefull, but not perfect
Overall a pretty usefull pack, with a few downsides. The actual image obtaining process is somewhat cumbresome and does not support IE. Also tree leaf sculpts are anything but easy to place and position properly, more viaried shapes of those would greatly enchance the pack.
All not a bad pack, but has its quirks.
I love this tool
As a sculptor of plants and trees this tool gives me a head start and saves me lots of time. The individual parts are of great quality and why make things from scratch in a program on your computer when you can kick start a sculpt with this tool? The generated sculpts can also easily be used as they are made inworld - there's no reason to edit them any futher as I always do, because they look great! 5 stars!!
Thank you Cel for this Tool
I've tried web programmes to make sculpt maps but I just don't have the patience to learn the 3D modelling programmes that are available. I've already bought Cel's original sculpt tool and made my first sculpt within 15 mins. A lot of things I sell are outdoor creations so when I saw this tool I thought 'YES' I need this. This is the best, thanks Cel.