[Cinnamon Cocaine] Goth Christmas Aura (add & touch) V.2
Take your avatar to the next level by customizing your aura today with a new and refreshing appearance. With my special, Goth Christmas Aura particles pack, you are on your way to going from a basic Second Life avatar to unique and elite. Create your custom aura now for an awesome new look!
What's inside?
Version II of the Goth Christmas aura from last year.
The old version is also packed inside.
❤ 20 piece set.
❤ Mix and match your favorites.
❤ Feet & body particles.
❤ Presents, snowflakes, ornaments - black/white
❤ Particles have different speeds.
See video below.
Mix and match to create your own custom look.
Looks best on high + graphics.
Adjust it to your height accordingly for best coverage.
❤ Turn aura on and off using functions /auraon or /auraoff in local chat.
If you have any questions, problems, or concerns feel free to contact me at CinnamonCocaine Resident.
❤Follow for new releases on Flickr
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