G 全般

Conejo de mazapan / Marzipan bunny [G&S] バージョン 1

Conejo de mazapan / Marzipan bunny [G&S]


Smartshop.gg™ is the largest retailer for second-hand products in Second Life™,
a virtual world for young and old, the retailer for your most beloved brands, games and services!

ALL products on the Second Life Marketplace are +10% more expensive than our default price in-world.

We do NOT provide support for the products you purchase.
We do provide support in anything related to purchases and our services.

To find our in-world shops: please speak with 'Smartshop Resident' to guide you with a list of our merchants.
Say /help to any of our merchants to show a list of commands!

Do you want to know how?
– Watch a short video on our website shown at the bottom of this message.

Do you have a question and/or an idea?
– Contact us on support@smartshop.gg.

If the creator(s) of distributed products has any questions and/or concerns,
please contact us through email before taking action with Linden Labs.
We will subjectively satisfy your needs and find a resolution.

Smartshop.gg™ Team
Email: support@smartshop.gg
Website: https://Smartshop.gg

Service: G&S
Vendor: Sparkle's Souk
In-world price: L$8
Marketplace price: L$10

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