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Custom Made Scripts

Custom Made Scripts

Custom made script.
Only applies to pre-existing scripts that can be changed for your use from this store or simple scripts.

Current script:
Holo Texture Script V2 1 sec overlap_Custom
For user with key: 6731d606-b141-4e91-bad5-8d05bbef1d75

Agreements when script:
It works only in objects created by you, you must be the creator of the object.
By using or selling the object containing this script, you agree that you set the permission of this script for the next owner to: "Transfer" or "Copy", not both.
The script you receive is: Copy/Transfer.

Agreements when object with script:
By using or selling this object, you agree to set the permission of the OBJECT to "Mod/Transfer" or Mod/Copy.
By using or selling this object, you agree to set the permission of the SCRIPT to "No Transfer".
The item; object or script, may not be used as a freebie, you may only sell it for a reasonable price.
The script you receive is: Copy/Transfer.
The object you receive is Mod/Copy/Transfer.

If you have questions or something is not clear, please contact me.

Greetings, Fluxilia