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CyberscylptsZZ sailing boat package

CyberscylptsZZ sailing boat package

Thank you for your interest in Cyberscylpts ZZ sailing boat She is 49 land imapct and carries 2 avatars, there is a few fun poses for fishing, and dancing.
Boat is copy mod, except on scripts , animations and sounds , which are all copy only

The boat uses the old B wind engine changed by Burt Artis to be full wwc compatible on winds currents and waves.
So besides using the regular b wind commands can also be sailed on Wwc mode.
we recomend using the boat menu for operating commands , however local chat and gestures also work

Regular chat commands for b wind, to sail on Wwc mode, boat must be moored and then type in local:
wwc. then again type raise.
To change back to B wind mod, moor the boat
Also uses rowing engine to power the boat if don't wish to use wind.
When moored Type in local:
to start the engine press page down once seated.
then up arrow to row. there is only one speed for rowing forward and reverse
When mooring engine will be available.
Engine will also work if on WWC mode when mooring.
rowing Engine has 1 speed
Same with reverse use down arrow key ..

see notecard for further instructions

I have run out of prims to display all items in world , if you need to see something not on a rezzer let me know and i will rez a version for a few days for you to check it out

  • mesh
  • fun no frills boating
  • bwind or wwc
  • carrries two
  • only owner can sail the boat