-D- Ripples pants DEMO

Who's above the mortals, looking down from their mountains?
Who's decided about fates of countries, just for love reasons?
Who could throw lightning, fly, make people fall in love, order the society before and within the afterlife?
Daevas. Gods in the old greek times.
This dress for Matreya lara body, is a one side satin dress, with a corset. You can choose within 30 colors for the the dress, and for the corset, as well picking the color's reflexion of the satined fabrics.
This dress? No, those dresses, one normal, and one narrowed waist, as shown on the picture.
Requiere advance lighting enable on your viewer, and you might enjoy it better with a light box/reflexion box.
- A One side dress
- with a corset
- 30 colors possibles with a hud by parts,15 for reflexions
- two sizes, one narrow size, one plain size
- For Maitreya Lara mesh body
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