DFS Nut Tree

詳細 設備 コンテンツ 1 レビュー


These trees grow

● DFS Nut Baskets


1. Rez your tree and make sure you have water within 20 meters, either a Water Barrel, Water Tower or Water Hydrant.

2. Click to access the menu, choose 'Water' and then 'Barrel' or 'Tower' depending on which water source you are using. The hovertext should reflect your action by stating 'Water: 100%'

3. Click to access the menu again, choose 'Prune' and hover your mouse pointer over the tree until you see the Secondlife Sit Icon, and click to sit.

4. Click the Care button on your DFS HUD three times until the hovertext states 'Care: 3/3'. You will need Energy in your DFS HUD to complete this action. You can also use a clicky item, to bypass using Energy.

5. Wait the allotted time for your crop to grow and when ready, click the tree - choose 'Harvest' and hover your mouse pointer over the tree until you see the Secondlife Sit Icon, and click to sit. You will un-sit automatically and the DFS servers will send you your crop!


Digital Farm System (DFS) is a fun, interactive, and progressive farm system that allows you to grow crops, raise animals, fish, and prepare food from tons of delicious recipes, and trade-able products.

With DFS you can stock a store, own a diner, or enjoy a simple "getting back to nature" relaxing farm life.
Try DFS today!

Read more about the system on our website https://www.digitalfarmsystem.com

Or you could visit us in Second Life!

We have a great support group, full of CSRs and other farmers, brimming with answers to your questions!
Join it here : secondlife:///app/group/bcff7f46-c4f1-b369-cc41-a333e0d03802/about

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Apparently watering plants is "abusing the system"
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2024/07/30 : sprightlysprite

DFS has got to be one of the most frustrating things... they give you a well, but if you use it to water your plants, you are "abusing the system" and get banned. Well, I guess they want to sell water to Patreon subscribers... fine, but if you want more money, raise your dang prices. Don't pull a bait and switch and ban your customers from using their items.





DFS - Digital Farm System
DFS - Digital Farm System
販売元: Ice12192 Dover


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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メッシュ: 100% メッシュ
土地の負荷: 4