-Duncan Giano - Renee Demo, Slingback Boxed (Mid Feet)
Please note: This shoe is only compatible with with Slink High feet, The Shops Ouch Feet (The Mesh Project) and Belleza Venus Mesh Body (High Feet Option)
This shoe is an original mesh design by Duncan Giano textured with high quality textures. 3 versions are provided with each colour and are modified to work with The Shops Deluxe Feet Addon (Ouch), Slink High Feet and Belleza Venus Body. Different insole tones have been selected for each of the colours.
No full permission mesh items have been used in this product and all the designs are original mesh designed and textured by Duncan Giano.
Please Demo Before Purchase.
- Original Mesh Design and High Quality Textures.
- This product is only requires Slink High Feet, Belleza Venus or TMP Ouch Feet.
- This shoe may not work with classic avatar feet.
L$ 1,590
この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。
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