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:DH: Children's Bedroom ~Nautical~ バージョン 2.0

:DH: Children's Bedroom ~Nautical~
:DH: Children's Bedroom ~Nautical~
1 レビュー

.: Warning :. to use avatars TODDLEEDOO

Nursery. 70 animations for one or two avatars. No balls position. AVSitter system.
It includes:
- Bed: 4 LI. 30 animations for one or two avatars
Child 10 animations for one child avatar.
Parents: 10 sets of animations for two avatars, a child and a parent.

- Toy chest: 3 LI. 36 animations for one or two avatars.
Child: 10 animations for one child avatar.
Friend: 8 sets of animations for two children's avatars. It includes games.
Stand: 10 static poses for editing.

- Rocking horse: 2 LI. 2 animations for one child avatar. Clicking on the bottom bar the horse swings.

- Ottoman parent: 2 LI. 2 animations for a single avatar. Fathers.

- 2 Bedside: 4 LI each. To turn the light times click on the lamp.

- Wardrobe: 1 LI. Decorative. With Resize menu. By increasing the size will increase the number of prim.

- Rug: 1 LI. Decorative. With Resize menu. By increasing the size will increase the number of prim.

- Art print: 1 LI. Decorative. With Resize menu. By increasing the size will increase the number of prim.

- Framed fish: 2 LI. Decorative. With Resize menu. By increasing the size will increase the number of prim.

- Wheel and frames: 3 LI. Decorative. With Resize menu. By increasing the size will increase the number of prim.

評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
  • 5 スター:
  • 4 スター:
  • 3 スター:
  • 2 スター:
  • 1 スター:
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2018/01/14 : Sharana Watanabe

Estava mesmo esperando um quartinho de menino! Lindo trabalho, Sibila, parabéns!


L$ 395



:DH: Shop
:DH: Shop
販売元: Sibila Lubitsch


This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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メッシュ: 100% メッシュ
土地の負荷: 27