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DN Mesh (m): Loose Spencer w HUD

DN Mesh (m): Loose Spencer w HUD

HUD Controlled layered spencer featuring:

- 21 Spencer textures
- Colourpicker for tie & shirt = Unlimited colours!
- 5 Standard sizes
- Alpha layer & Textures

* Alpha and mesh enabled viewer required
* Always try a DEMO before purchasing rigged mesh to avoid disappointment
* Mesh demos are also available at the mainshop for 0L$
* Alpha textures are included with full permissions to edit them where needed
* Clothing and mesh works best on realistic human based shapes


Second Life の商品を表示
評価平均: 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星
  • 5 スター:
  • 4 スター:
  • 3 スター:
  • 2 スター:
  • 1 スター:
I like it
塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 掲載済み 2013/02/11 : Ego Elton

Its a good shirt and I love the colours, also comes with a jeans *-* ... ahhahaha... And its not Expensive ... 10/5 ***** :P
