.:: ATD ::. & WOW "Dance With The Howling Wolves"~Dance Any Place Remote
Animated background
On/Off ~Howling Animated wolves~zoom in-click the wolves
Touch to rez couple dance hearts
==== Important Note:
This remote does NOT include dances! It includes scripts that operates as intended if You own a preloaded intan couple dance ball that can be purchased directly from intan.
feel free to try the items in world before purchasing :)
***It is always a good idea to keep the original box for back up.
***Scripts are mostly No Trans / No Mod due to copy right
For customer or Redelivery services:
◦.·•send a Note card to JudyAbbott2011 for any question or issue regarding our products, titled " Name of the product .... question "
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Happy Dreaming! (◕‿-)
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