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Earth Skybox

Earth Skybox
Earth Skybox
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Thank you for your purchase of the Earth skybox! :)

I was inspired by another skybox on here, and wanted to see if I could ACTUALLY make this. I did, and was going to just keep it to myself, but I decided to sell it on here anyway. It's copy/mod, so you can place as many as you'd like, and you can edit the textures and unlink the outer shell from the floors inside. I did this because there is a rotation script in the shell, but it makes the interior rotate as well, and that is a bit dizzying. So my suggestion is, place it and resize it before unlinking the shell. It's only 4 prims, and even after unlinking, it is still only 4 prims.

So, what is it? A rotating Earth, which you can click to stop rotating if you want, with a bottom floor, middle floor and top floor. You can use teleporters or teleport buttons to move from floor to floor, which are sadly, not included. I'm not so great at making stuff like that lol. Buuuut since it's mod, you could also unlink and delete the floors to make it into whatever you want it to be, even if you just wanted the outer shell only for decorative purposes.

So, that's that. Resizable, unlinkable, copyable, modifiable, only 4 prims, touch to rotate, touch off, just a cute little idea I had after having some inspiration. I hope you enjoy! If you have any questions, PM me in world. :)

Come check it out in my inworld store!

L$ 150



Randomlance FN
Randomlance FN
販売元: AuroraJade Venus


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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土地の負荷: 4