EGOZY Paris ©
۞ Head Mesh Applier for AK.
(Wearing Lara Bento Head)
What is included with your purchase ?
✔ Body Appliers. (Belleza,Maitreya,TMP,Omega,Slink)
✔ Differents Eyebrows + No Eyebrows Option. (Try Demo)
✔ Lipsticks & Eyeshadows. (Included)
۞ Store Policy
- Every products are NOT Refundable the only refunds accepted are those for accidental double purchases of the same item.
- If you need help please send me a notecard (Nicole Button).
To protect yourself from cheaters, don't click "Buy" until you make sure: the seller is not new in SL, the product has a history of positive reviews, legacy name of the product's real creator (in-world) and that of the Marketplace seller are IDENTICAL.
All Items created by Nicole Button are copyrighted and protected by Linden Labs.
Doesn't work
I thought maybe it was user error from the other reviews so I tried and nope nothing worked
except it added a weird lip colour i cant remove.
Applier not working
It's such a pity the applier for the Akeruka head does not work as this skin is supposed to work exactly for that. It does not apply the skin, but lipstick! Same lipstick colour whichever skin tone is chosen....
I tried several times to contact the creator, by notecard and IM to ask if this bug is also in the full versions of the skin, but without any reaction whatsoever.
Did anyone else buy any of the full versions? If so please be kind to comment if the skin applier does work or not in the full version, as the creator apparently is silent. Thank you.