Egozy.Tentation Eyes (Catwa Applier) & BOM
EGOZY Paris ©
۞ Catwa Mesh Applier.
What is included with your purchase ?
✔ 6 Eyes Colors
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- Every products are NOT Refundable the only refunds accepted are those for accidental double purchases of the same item.
- If you need help please send me a notecard (Nicole Button).
To protect yourself from cheaters, don't click "Buy" until you make sure: the seller is not new in SL, the product has a history of positive reviews, legacy name of the product's real creator (in-world) and that of the Marketplace seller are IDENTICAL.
All Items created by Nicole Button are copyrighted and protected by Linden Labs.
Would look so much better if bigger or different sizes
Would look so much better if bigger or different sizes. The ones in the AD look bigger compared to the eye opening. We need bigger eye color.
Great eyes, but harsh shadow
I took a chance on buying these without a demo, and I honestly love the texture and color options. I used the BOM versions with my lelutka head and on the largest iris setting on my lelutka hud, they fit well. My ONLY complaint is the harsh black shadow under the eyes. Looks fine and not too noticeable when looking straight ahead or slightly to the left or right but it is very much there if you make your avatar look further in any other direction. Example: