This Store

Electrical box box

Electrical box box
Electrical box box
1 レビュー

Electrical box 2

2018 mesh art work

0.478 X 0.251 X 0.841 meters surface

0.1 download
0.4 physics
0.5 server
517 display

1 prim land impact
Copy and mod

3 textures diffuse with bumpiness (normal) and shininess (specular), glossiness 50, environment 0,
Mode ultra viewer

Available to see inworld in main shop rezzers,


1. We are not responsible for the smooth running of the object if the customer makes any changes.
2. We recommend these high-quality objects using high performance viewers. (ultra).
3. Modifying the following parameter:
Advanced/Show Debug Settings/RenderVolumeLODFactor, value at least 3.000
4. The images that illustrate this model have been made inworld.
5. And they have not been retouched with any external editor to SL.


Second Life の商品を表示
評価平均: full star full star full star empty star empty star
  • 5 スター:
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  • 3 スター:
  • 2 スター:
  • 1 スター:
Interesting Design Concept
full star full star full star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2022/07/05 : SombreNyx

It's not possible to look at the actual item in the store (broken rezzers) so I simply bought it here, assuming a box would have four sides. This one doesn't: the back is missing, even though there's a base. It's fixable with a bit of editing, but surely it would have been easy enough to make the other 4th side? Oh well. Some days are better than others :/ The green textures are okay, but the out-of-focus warning label isn't crisp at all - so 3 stars overall.


L$ 55



cVR Constructing Virtual Reality
cVR Constructing Virtual Reality
販売元: Ricblas Ferraris


この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。

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  • ユーザーライセンス許可済み
メッシュ: 100% メッシュ
土地の負荷: 1