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Exquisite Ariel Jewellery Set - White (box)

Exquisite Ariel Jewellery Set -  White (box)
Exquisite Ariel Jewellery Set -  White (box)
1 レビュー

A delicate and lovely floral necklace in pink flowers, that cascade down from the neckline. Two versions of this necklace are included, a 1 flower necklace and the long one as shown on the model. The necklace has removable resizers and no bling. The earrings have tiny bling that can be controlled with "bling off". This necklace is also available in white,, blood red, pastels and as a fatpack.

Mericatherine Quinnell
Master Jeweler

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Delicate flowers cascade in a long necklace
  • Two versions included - short (1 flower) and as shown
  • Matching earrings included
  • Removable resizers in necklace
  • Copy only, no transfer - use GIFT option
評価平均: full star full star empty star empty star empty star
  • 5 スター:
  • 4 スター:
  • 3 スター:
  • 2 スター:
  • 1 スター:
Not at all worth the price.
full star full star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2024/02/03 : Matarie Theas

The necklace and earrings set looked from the advertisement like they were mesh flowers with delicate petals. Rather, it's a dated composition of cut primitives, utilizing full-bright and bling scripts. It's no mod, which makes it more difficult to customize to one's avatar. I was happy to find a no full bright version of the necklace, which almost enabled me to look past the poor fitting and generic texture work, but there was not a no full bright version of the earrings to complement it. Additionally, there is no script in the earrings to turn off the obnoxious bling particles as is mentioned in the product description. This product may have been worth this price in 2010, but now, with the capabilities of mesh, the move toward widespread use of mesh bodies, and changes in preferential aesthetics away from overtly flashy and cartoony to more realistic, this set is worth maybe $L150 at best. I do appreciate the creativity of the piece from a nostalgic perspective, cutting and positioning primitives and selecting reasonable textures to convincingly craft a flower from spheres and such (thus getting 2 stars instead of 1), but considering what I thought I would be getting for $L750 with no demo available, I feel currently as if I've been robbed.


L$ 750



Exquisite Jewellery Wedding Rings & Fine Jewelry
Exquisite Jewellery Wedding Rings & Fine Jewelry
販売元: Mericatherine Quinnell


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