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Felina Creations - F-Watch バージョン 2.0

Felina Creations - F-Watch
Felina Creations - F-Watch
6 レビュー

The best unisex smart watch!

Full mesh, unrigged: just wear (you will find a ready to use copy for left and right arm) and edit as needed for the best position. You can also resize it using the HUD.

With the HUD you can set:
- 6 case colors
- 13 band colors
- 19 band textures
- 16 face textures

Special functions:

> upgradable
the watch will accept future additional HUDs with cases, bands,
faces, and other interesting features (as random notification faces).

> shuffle
if enabled (green switch) you can select multiple faces and
every 70 seconds (configurable) the watch will change the face.

> auto on/off
if enabled (green switch) the watch will be OFF (black face)
and every 60 seconds (configurable) the watch will show the
selected face for 5 seconds.

NOTE: you can use shuffle and auto on/off features at the same time!

> in sync
since you can create multiple copies of the watch (and configure
them in different ways) the HUD will stay in sync with che current
worn watch: if you detach the watch and wear a copy with different
configuration the HUD will change to show you the current watch
colors, textures and so on.

> menu
the bottom left button will show you a menu with the following
- change the time interval for shuffle and auto on/off
(using preconfigured values)
- reset the hud (you would not ever need to use it)
- sync with che current watch (you would not ever need to use it)
- delete watch script

To keep in mind:

- keep the original package as backup: use always a copy of the
needed items
- you need to wear the HUD only when changing configuration: so you
don't have to wear it all the time
- if you delete watch script it will be static: you will not change
any color or texture and you will loose the shuffle and auto on/off
- the watch script is a very low lag script but you can disable the
shuffle and the auto on/off to have a zero lag watch!
- of course the displayed time is just a texture! It doesn't show the "real" time :D

- F-Watch HUD
- F-Watch HUD (small version) <<< NEW in 1.1
- F-Watch (L)
- F-Watch (R)
- README (this notecard)

  • upgradable
  • shuffle
  • auto on/off
  • in sync
評価平均: full star full star full star full star empty star
  • 5 スター:
  • 4 スター:
  • 3 スター:
  • 2 スター:
  • 1 スター:
Did not like
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2022/10/19 : Jony Zifer

I didn't like the clock doesn't set the world time. It doesn't make any sense to have something non-functional simply decorative when it comes to a clock synonymous with serta time.

so many options!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2020/04/25 : ECali

this is my favorite watch, the hud has plenty of texture options so you wont get bored ;). thank you!


L$ 450



Felina Creations
Felina Creations
販売元: Jillx


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