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[FYI] Mesh Dungeon Builder's Kit for #fyicastlesystem

[FYI] Mesh Dungeon Builder's Kit for #fyicastlesystem
[FYI] Mesh Dungeon Builder's Kit for #fyicastlesystem
1 レビュー

These tunnels are the basis for the #fyicastlesystem, which lets you create a system of dungeons connecting several rooms.

The system works by giving you basic dungeon tunnel pieces to work with, and then you put them together how you like to create your own custom system.

Currently, there is no external castle, this is designed for being build in the sky. We suggest a teleporter to the sky castle and dungeon if you want to have anything on the ground.

You can use this for crypts, dungeons, castles, and more. We are making several different types of add on rooms you can use to connect everything.

The kit is also compatible with the #fyicavesystem, so you can create a really cool fantasy build.

Please come see it in world, we have an example build set up with rooms and a tunnel system, which transfers over to the cave system too.

The kit has been updated to include two castle dungeon and crypt styles. The original clean one, and now a dirty, mossy, more authentic looking version.

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Excellent !!!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2018/07/04 : Wiki Ravenwood

I purchased this as I wanted a quality mesh cave system and this met that criteria. I had an initial problem with my purchase, however the response times and customer service of the creator cannot be faulted. If you are looking for a quality cave system that rivals some of the other major cave designers, then this is it. Highly recommended and thank you!


L$ 1,999



[FYI] Mesh Caves, Sewers, Tunnels, and Builder's Kits
[FYI] Mesh Caves, Sewers, Tunnels, and Builder's Kits
販売元: Flea Yatsenko


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