Family Sofa Td /LullaBeebs{Pink&Blue} バージョン 1.0

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includes items:
♥rug 2 Li
♥1 pillow star pink 1 Li
♥ 1 pillow star blue 1LI
♥ 1 pillow star yellow 1 Li
♥ 1 pillow star green1LI
♥ hud whit 4 textures for pillow
♥ sofa 30 animations 12 Li
1 TD/1lullabesbs /2 parents
★ Adjust the animation av sitter
no static pose
Any problems please send a Juliannaaaa the detailed note card and I'll see if I can help it.
㋡ Thank you for choosing my creation. Have a nice day ㋡
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