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'Flak Master' Anti-aircraft Barge ICS バージョン 1.1

'Flak Master' Anti-aircraft Barge ICS
'Flak Master' Anti-aircraft Barge ICS

The Arctor Flak Master.

The Flak Master is an armoured anti-aircraft barge. It has high powered anti-air guns which can fire explosive flak rounds for taking down airships or aeroplanes. Designed for heavy aerial defence, it is slow moving, and vulnerable to attack but it is well armoured and can maintain a devastating barrage from long range.

It has a 750 core, and 2 heavy Flak cannons, and 4 medium mortars, with 100 heavy rounds and 200 medium rounds.

The Flak Cannons fire exploding Flak, which causes damage over an area, you can use the fuse to set the Flak to explode at a certain altitude and so lay down a barrage for small fast moving aircraft

The HUD uses analogue dials for aiming, faster and lower lag than wedges, and far more accurate, as you can turn to absolutely any angle at all with incredible precision. It also had the ability to fire a barrage of mortar or cannon fire so you can easily bombard and area.

The gunner also has a HUD with all the same cannon functions.

Both HUD's provide advanced camera control, with follow cam modes and full rotation, allowing you to look in any direction.

The entire hud uses only a single script, and in the boat, the weapons are all turned and fired by a single script, which also deals with damage effects, ammo, and all other combat functions. This greatly reduced script load on the server and reduces lag dramatically, particularly as Link Messages are eliminated which are the main cause of cannons being delayed in firing.

30 prims,
no-mod, Copy, No-trans

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Physical Vehicle
  • 2 Aimable Flak Cannons
  • 4 Aimable Mortars
  • Ironclad Combat System
  • ICS 3.1 compatable

L$ 199



Sidney Arctor's Fabulous Contraptions!
Sidney Arctor's Fabulous Contraptions!
販売元: Sidney Arctor


この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。

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  • ユーザーライセンス許可済み
土地の負荷: 30