FlashBurn! Sit High! Planet Saturn Seat
This is an animated seat that has 28 (total) male / female / dance and novelty sits and poses. Use it as furniture, for photography, or buy several and have a party! The animations were carefully chosen to provide a range of different looks.
The sits and poses can be easily adjusted for avatar height, position, and rotation and they will remember the adjustments of the last 100 avatars. Full details are on the included notecard.
The planets include a slow rotation script (because they look cool that way) but that can be disabled if you want. Instructions on the included notecard.
- 28 (total) poses / sit animations / novelty sits / dances
- It rotates!
cute and great product
Now I just need uranus
it s perfect for my planetorium.... good price and very nice texture of planet.... and low prim. I have 3 planets of them and all are very nice.