These great board shorts are a must have and a great addition to your wardrobe. They are in 5 standard sizes as well as fitted for Adam, Aesthetic, Signature Gianni, Slink, & TMP so they will fit almost any body. (But please try the DEMO first) You also get sandals and flipflops for Slink feet, sunglasses and an armband with music player (does NOT play music). The shorts and music player are texture change via the HUD.
Rigged mesh shorts in 5 standard sizes
Rigged mesh shorts for Adam, Aesthetic, Signature Gianni, Slink, TMP
Rigged mesh flip flops for Slink male feet
Rigged mesh sandals for Slink male feet
(feet NOT included)
Unrigged mesh armband music player with resizer
Unrigged mesh sunglasses with resizer
Alpha for use with classic avatar
You must have a mesh enabled viewer to see these items.
Second Life の商品を表示this is a good deal!!
love the shorts and the 6 colors in the hud , love the sunglasses just needed a lil edit to fit my mesh head and i love the mp3 player just needed a lil edit to fit my arm . the flip flops and sandals looking okay too ..