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Forest Elf costume brown motives fitmesh hair leg vine ears hat

Forest Elf costume brown motives fitmesh hair leg vine ears hat
Forest Elf costume brown motives fitmesh hair leg vine ears hat
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This product requires the use of MESH SL Viewer and is available for Slink (PHYSIQUE + HOURGLASS), Belleza (VENUS + FREYA + ISIS ), Maitreya, Tonic (FINE + CURVY), Ebody , 5 sizes classic avatar = 14 sizes . 8 colors available

In the demo pack all rigged items from pack forest elf brown 2 ((same sizes for 8 packs , is demo for the 8 packs)
- DEMO Magic Elf fitmesh dress 14 sizes
- DEMO Leg Vine orange fitmesh L 14 sizes
- DEMO Woodland Elf hair auburn black tip mesh rigged
- alpha dress for classic avatar

In the full pack one color
- Magic Elf fitmesh dress 14 sizes
- Leg Vine orange fitmesh L 14 sizes
- Leg Vine orange fitmesh R 14 sizes
- Elf hair mesh rigged (different in all packs see pictures)
- alpha dress for classic avatar
- Mesh necklace not rigged with resize script
- Butterfllies mesh flying around you ADD (add with the seat)
- Pet mesh animated ADD to walk with him on arm (Squirrel or Bunny , see pictures)
- Hat mesh resize (2 different see pictures)
- Woodland mesh Elf Ear modify L in 2 tones (clear and tan) , MODIFY for adjust with your skin
- Woodland mesh Elf Ear modify R in 2 tones ( clear and tan), MODIFY for adjust with your skin
- SEAT (8 differents , see pictures) to wear , just ADD everywhere , pose animated

Second Life の商品を表示

L$ 350



⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Mystygry Mirihi
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Mystygry Mirihi
販売元: Mystygry Mirihi


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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