Explosive Sinclar RPG Gas Station Package

詳細 設備 コンテンツ レビュー (0)


Explosive Sinclar Gas Station:

1st of all Thank You for your purchase....

This gas station is PERFECT for anyone in SL that is looking for a more functional Role Play Gas Station for a RPG sim such as a Track, City, Town, or just anyone that wants a hell-a-cool exploding gas station.

Its pretty easy to understand all you have to do is simply receive your gas station that will arrive in a folder. Than drag it from your inventory to the ground.

Once this is done move it where you would like! It has 4 touchable on/off lights outside of the building, 2 exploding pumps as someone runs into them either with themselves or a vehicle of choice, and inside near the register a touchable fire alarm for the station clerk to pull, and last but not least 3 fully functional doors that open and close.

**Keep in mind that once the pumps EXPLODE they are on a time delay and will return again within 2 minutes to reset!**

Note: The bike in the picture is just a prop and is NOT included. Also, The store is empty for the most part other than the register included so you can put your own added decorations in it such as coolers, smoke racks, snacks and signs.

If you should have ANY questions regarding your item PLEASE
send a NOTE CARD or IM In-world of SL to Evilmorgan or Moonbuggy resident and we'll be more than happy to happy to help you. :D

Other than that Thank you again for your purchase and be sure to check out what we have up in our store now or just whenever because we are always adding items!

Take Care xD



  • Scripted
  • Scripted with Sound
  • Animations
  • Explode
  • Role play RPG

レビュー (XX)



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Strange & Beautiful
Strange & Beautiful
販売元: Evilmorgan

この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。

  • S&Bアバターで作業する
  • empty star empty star empty star empty star empty star 0 レビュー

  • 権限:
    コピー 修正 再販・プレゼント ユーザーライセンス許可済み
  • 自動再配達
  • 土地の負荷: 64