this vehicle utilizes the ACS 7.0 script and as such this will be updated when the final product is released, also features a discount when purchased at an in-world vendor.
-Seats 4
-Smoother driving
-Adjustable seating
-Automatic/Manual Transmission
-Working lights/brakes
-Opening doors/hood
Basic Operations
The car is mostly menu-driven, however, the car is easier to use with the included HUD. Certain features like Position aren't HUD-driven, and in order to operate, you must be seated in the car (it's a given).
Two shift styles are included. You can hold down Shift and use the arrow keys to shift up and down or you can just use PgUp or PgDn.
Adjusting your seat
To edit driver position, go to Menu>Position>All. This will allow you to edit ALL the gestures instead of just one at a time. If you select Drive or Reverse individually, you will only be editing that position, which means you'll have to manually edit the other when you finish. Don't forget to choose "All"!
The passenger seat is self-explanatory. Sit in the seat and click it once to get a list of adjustments you can make whilst you are seated.
Adjusting the Vehicle
To adjust the car's dynamics, go to Menu>Options>Controls.
-Gears allows you to tweak the gear speed for each gear.
-Reverse allows you to tweak the reverse speed.
-Brake allows you to tweak the braking power.
-Skid allows you to tweak the skid power during turning.
-Turbo allows you to tweak the power of the turbo.
-Steering allows you to change the turn and drift speed.
-Gravity allows you to change the vehicle's amount of downforce.
1.0 to 1.1- redid bumper shine and initial engine replacement
1.1 to 1.2- replaced engine again, and added more engine compartment components
Don't like your setup? Accidentally break something. Simply go to "Advanced < Reboot", easy peasy.
Got a question, idea, comment. Leave a review or IM NikonD40 Resident with anything you may have. (Also due to lack of proper funding, all updates are manual, however they still do get distributed. if you feel you weren't properly updated, send me an IM.)