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G36C AR By Bishop Placebo バージョン 1

G36C AR By Bishop Placebo

G36C Rifle - MESH.

Extremely high detailed G36C rifle.
This gun has been developed with high fire rate and low lag in mind, no fancy options or visual effects, pure fire power for hardcore gun fighters in SL.

The package contains gestures for draw, sling and reload the guns.

Fire modes ( full and semi automatic use 60 rounds magazine) :

Full automatic.
Semi automatic.
Unlimited ammo.
Change bullets velocity.
All commands work in channel 12.

Draw: /12 draw
Sling: /12 sling
Reload: /12 reload

Fire modes ( full and semi automatic use 60 rounds magazine) :

Full automatic: /12 full
Semi automatic: /12 semi
Unlimited ammo: /12 unlimited
Change bullets velocity: /12 vel.<desired velocity>
Ex: /12 vel.100

Reset the gun: /12 reset

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