Please try the demo first before buying this product. Please read the description below on what to expect from this product.
This product comes with the following items;
- 10 BOM Skins
These BOM skins contain 5 skins in 5 different eyebrows including a browless option for each hairy body and hairless body option.
- Head Appliers : Head appliers comes with 5 head applier buttons in different eyebrows that includes browless option
- Body Appliers : Body Appliers for Gianni, Slink and Belleza (Jake)
- 15 Facial Hair
- Shapes designed for Victor, Daniel, Stanley and Skell
Take Note : Model in the Picture is wearing victor mesh head.
Warning : I used the same picture of the same skin tone for all vendors. So, It's important that you based your decision to buy this product from the demo provided and NOT the poster or picture.
L$ 2,500
この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。
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